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Bradley Kaplan,阿尔伯特·梅索斯
On the morning of September 11, 2001, Paul McCartney was in New York City on an airport runway waiting to fly to Britain. As he absorbed the news of the unfolding tragedy, he wondered, “What can I do?” The answer, of course, lay in music. McCartney reached out to master documentarian and long-time friend Albert Maysles, inviting Maysles to document his personal experiences on 16mm black and white film, a format seldom used in the digital age but of proven endurance and artistic quality. Over several weeks in October 2001, Maysles’ camera followed McCartney as he prepared for The Concert for New York City, a benefit he helped organize to uplift New York City during this period of uncertainty and vulnerability. The footage went unseen for years, requiring the passage of time to be put in perspective. Now, ten years later, Maysles, his directing partner Bradley Kaplan and editor Ian Markiewicz have emerged with an intimate work that explores the role of art and artists in a time of crisis.
El dormitorio de un piso de la castellana, Madrid. Es el dormitorio de Sofía, una scort de lujo. Su nuevo cliente descubre el misterioso nombre que ella tiene tatuado en su pierna: “Diana... ¿Diana es tu nombre real?” Él se presentó como Hugo pero en realidad se llama Jano. Aparenta ser un educado hombre de negocios, un emprendedor moderno y cercano.. ¿Lo es? El piso de Sofía se convertirá en el escenario de un perturbador juego donde se revelerán las personalidades que ambos ocultan, como capas de una compleja cebolla que se irán desgajando hasta llegar a su corazón. Y la clave del de Sofía se encuentra en desvelar quien es Diana y qué significa para ella
36岁的公司职员贝葛娜(劳拉·莫兰特 Laura Morante 饰)性感美丽,但是她雍容端庄的外表下却有着常人难以理解的疯狂与放荡。她与家人的关系格外紧张,特立独行且显得愤世嫉俗。她似乎始终在寻找爱情,却又不相信爱情,每时每刻周游在各类男人之间,尽情享受肉体的欢愉,然而总也找不到可以依靠的港湾。无论是年龄悬殊的老画家,还是故作严肃的同事,抑或是多年未见的情人,又或者是初出茅庐面带青涩的大男孩(Miguel Ángel García 饰),从来无法让贝葛娜做过多停留。她沉浮于世,只有那来自陌生国度的高科技产品似乎能读懂她深邃不可见的内心…… 本片根据Fernando G.Delgado的获奖小说改编。
This is the second film about the detective Feluda (Soumitra Chatterjee) set in the holy city of Benares, where he (along with his cousin, Topshe and friend, Lalmohan Ganguly) goes for a holiday. But the theft of a priceless deity of Lord Ganesh (the Elephant God) from a local household forces him to start investigation. Feluda comes in direct confrontation with Maganlal Meghraj (Utpal Dutt), a ruthless trader. Maganlal makes the mild-mannered Lalmohan a knife-thrower's target and threatens Felu to stop investigation. But there are several other suspects as an innocent artisan is brutally murdered, a shady 'holy man' holds court on the banks of the Ganges and an adventure-loving little boy (and his grand-father), brought up on crime thrillers. The climax is a shoot-out on the Ganges, followed by the unraveling of the mystery.
Jesús Garay
艾西亚(Diana Gómez 饰)是一个18岁的美丽少女,对于她来说,年轻带来的并不是自由和快乐,正相反,生活的压力和家庭的束缚让她感到沮丧与痛苦。一次偶然中,艾西亚结识了神秘的爱洛斯(Ariadna Cabrol 饰),后者自由不羁的行为作风让艾西亚深深着迷。随着时间的流逝,爱洛斯和艾西亚之间的距离越来越近,而艾西亚发现,自己对爱洛斯的感情并非仅仅是友情那么简单。 在爱洛斯的引领下,艾西亚的灵魂和肉体都逐渐获得了解放,但这一现象在保守又刻板的母亲眼里却并不是好事,对于两个女孩之间的关系,她千方百计的阻挠着。这一段混浊世界里的纯洁感情能否得到祝福呢?
Felipe Martínez Amador
A mother moves into an old family home to undergo a rigorous treatment that she hopes will help her autistic daughter communicate. The therapy seems successful when the girl miraculously begins to speak. However, she soon discovers that her daughter has come into contact with the tortured entities of the place, who return from beyond to collect a dark debt from the past
年轻医生Wil(杨雅慧 饰)是个美国华裔。她事业如意,工作干炼,但就是不爱打扮,不喜欢结交男朋友,这令到母亲(陈冲 饰)非常操心。母亲刻意拉女儿到一些华人圈子的聚会,帮女儿物色对象,却总是一无所获。不料母亲的生活也开始混乱——她怀上了孩子,却不愿公开谁是孩子父亲。为了面子问题,Wil的外公外婆把母亲赶出家门,责令她一定要找个人嫁出去。于是,妈妈投奔到女儿的门下,暂时寄宿在此,女儿开始四处网罗男人相亲。除了母亲的事情让Wil烦恼,她还有一个秘密需要苦心遮掩——自己女同的身份恐怕会让思想传统的母亲接受不了,于是,Wil和女朋友开始转战地下,二人爱得偷偷摸摸。人人为了面子,都有一个自己的心结,不知何时打开。
Long out of circulation, Deep Throat Part II was conceived as a soft-core sequel to the highly successful Deep Throat. The film was written and directed by sexploitation virtuoso Joe Sarno and shot on 35mm in the New York City area in early 1973. It was released in the U. S. in early 1974 with an MPAA "R" rating and quickly disappeared; porn journalist Al Goldstien, writing in Screw, called it "the worst film I have ever seen." The existing U. S. version of the film now on DVD is bowdlerized; the Italian DVD release version contains the film's original soft-core sex scenes. There has long been an urban legend that the film was shot hardcore and that the hardcore sex scenes were "stolen" while the film was in post-production; this claim seems extremely dubious and director Joe Sarno himself has insisted in interview that only soft-core sex scenes were shot for the film. Deep Throat Part II is Linda Lovelace's second feature film (she only officially starred in three). A young Judy Tenuta (comedienne) has a walk-on cameo. The film is one of Sarno's rare comic efforts and contains an unusually polished soundtrack featuring tunes written by, among others, former members of Jay and the Americans.
Charles Jarrott
英文:The Other Side Of Midnight 中文:午夜情挑 导演:Charles Jarrott 主演:苏珊·萨兰登 约翰·贝克 雷夫·瓦郎 类型:剧情/爱情 地区:美国 上映:1977年10月21日 西德尼·谢尔顿以塑造一系列的“自强不息、与社会作决死拼斗的女性”而著称,《午夜情挑》是他的第二部小说,1977年被改编成电影。故事里面的 Noelle Page,就是这么一个不惜一切代价和社会斗争的女性,只是,在抗争中她彻底的丢失了她的价值。她的生命的全部目的,是复仇,而复仇的背后,是渴望那个绝望时瞬间照亮过自己的太阳。可惜,命运并没有偏向于迷失了自己的Noelle。 Catherine是另一种悲剧。女孩子们总是热衷于花花公子,甘愿迷失和上当,有时候明知他说的这一套,和他与别的女人说的一样,而他今天说给你的,明天也一定会再说给别人,这样也不能拒绝,幻想自己是一个特例——他当然说你是唯一的你是不一样的。即便今天我们的周围,这样的例子也是在日日上演,甚至正在上演,面对这些悲剧和即将发生的悲剧,也只能哀其明明知道不幸,却又自以为是的不争。 片中有两个女性都很失败,男主角的结局也是罪有应得。主要人物里,有两个却在这个时代里获得成功。一个是Catherine的公关公司老板,他周旋于正要之间却有自己的原则,不受于各种诱惑;另一个是希腊大亨,他心胸狭窄,睚眦必报,最后整死了背叛他的人。在利用和被利用的社会关系里,西德尼希尔顿展现出强烈的社会达尔文气息。 本片由女星苏珊·萨兰登主演,在好莱坞众多女明星中,苏珊·萨兰登可以说是最独特的一个。她从影时间极长,却大器晚成。命运总是与她擦肩而过,她早已成为大众心目中的明星影后,但奥斯卡大奖却屡屡不垂青于她。在她年岁已高之时,反而终获殊荣。苏珊·萨兰登的身上始终散发着一种优雅温和而不造做,含蓄内敛却又非常坚毅的特质,那是做为一个女人所特有魅力所在,而苏珊把它发挥到了极致,在这个浮躁的世界中,我已无法用言语来形容我的赞赏……
The film centers on the Herdman kids, who are the absolute worst. They lie, they steal, they bully… and they’ve hijacked the town Christmas pageant. As the rowdy and raucous siblings force themselves into all of the lead roles, they drive the pageant’s director, Grace (Judy Greer), and other members of her family, including husband Bob (Holmes), up the wall. But through their misfit mischief, these unlikely messengers might turn out to be the ones to deliver the town’s sensational and moving portrayal of the true meaning of Christmas.
乐观向上的化妆师基卡(Verónica Forqué 饰)和有着偷窥癖的摄影师雷蒙(Àlex Casanovas)隔街而居。基卡并不知道,香蕉哥他早已成为对面邻居偷窥和暗恋的对象。不久,基卡家女佣胡安娜(Rossy de Palma 饰)的弟弟获释出狱,这个变态的男人不仅 和姐姐保持着不伦的关系,还将基卡强暴。而这一切,都被雷蒙摄入了镜头之中。另一方面,雷蒙的前女友——电视台主持人安德莉亚(Victoria Abril 饰)为求收视率,竟公然播放基卡被施暴的录像。事情开始变得一团糟…… 本片荣获1994年西班牙佛投格拉玛斯奖最佳女主角奖(Verónica Forqué)、1994年戈雅奖最佳女主角奖(Verónica Forqué)、1994年美国Premios ACE奖最佳女主角奖(Victoria Abril)和最佳女配角奖(Rossy de Palma)、1994年西班牙圣后迪奖观众奖最佳影片。