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《布鲁斯特的百万富翁:圣诞节》是一部节日电影,有望捕捉到节日季的真正精神。该片明星云集,包括饰演摩根·布鲁斯特的 China Ann McClain、饰演安德鲁的 Romeo “Lil Romeo” Miller、饰演蒙哥马利·布鲁斯特的 Richard Pryor Jr. 和饰演欧珀尔的 Rain Pryor,这部迷人的电影有望在全国范围内温暖人心。加入这支明星阵容的还有饰演布鲁斯特夫人的 Telma Hopkins 和饰演 Big TY 的 Tequan Richmond。Sierra McClain 饰演 Toya。(她和姐姐 China 一起演唱了几首原创歌曲)《布鲁斯特的百万富翁:圣诞节》讲述了摩根·布鲁斯特的故事,她面临着一项独特而具有挑战性的任务,即在圣诞节前继承她叔叔蒙哥马利的财产。当角色们在节日季迷人的混乱中前行时,他们通过给予而不是接受,了解了爱、信仰和家庭的真正含义。
Harley Chamandy
Allen Sunshine tells the story of a former music mogul who retreats to an isolated lakeside home to grieve his famous wife’s suicide. He copes by composing ambient-electronic music and nurturing an unexpected friendship with two young boys whom he meets on the lake fishing. Throughout the course of his stages of grief, Allen encounters characters that remind him of what he’s lost and forgotten and what he hopes to gain and reconcile.
Daryl Goldberg
The best part of any marriage is consummating it. However after 3 months of a sexless marriage Dan, in a moment of weakness, finds himself in the throws of casual sex with another woman. Dan decides the only way to morally rectify this is of course to get his wife to cheat on him and thus he sets out to find the right man to put the hurt on his old lady.
Claudio Del Falco
空手道和 K1 冠军克劳迪奥·德尔法尔科 (Claudio Del Falco) 准备参加他的最后一场比赛,这是一场令人难忘的赛事,全球直播,奖金为 1000 万欧元。这笔巨额奖金对犯罪组织头目阿法 (Apha) 来说很有诱惑力,趁克劳迪奥忙于战斗时,他带着残忍凶猛的手下闯入他的别墅,劫持了他的第二任妻子卡米拉 (Camila) 为人质,却不知道别墅里还有 14 岁的女儿萨拉。当克劳迪奥得知阿尔法 (Alpha) 对他第一任妻子的死负有责任时,他抓住了萨拉,并决定独自面对整个组织以报仇。
彼得、丹尼、凯瑟琳兄妹三人是家里的活宝,顽皮淘气的哥哥丹尼更是让父母们头疼不已。他整日沉迷于游戏机世界中不说,还经常骗弟弟彼得的零花钱,但弟弟还是非常崇拜丹尼,就像丹尼崇拜他的伯父尼克一样。但丹尼还不知道的是尼克伯父是个不折不扣的骗子,他利用自己的计算机骗了很多人的钱。终于有一天债主埃雷克找上门来,为了躲避对方的追击,尼克在圣诞节前夕来到了弟弟的家里。能够再次见到伯父,丹尼、彼得、凯瑟琳三个孩子非常开心。 恰巧圣诞夜父母要加班,也只能由尼克带着三个孩子呆在家里。埃雷克等人根据尼克的笔记本电脑追踪到了他的IP地址,但很快就被他设置的病毒阻断了行动。但没想到大驾光临的圣诞老人无意中把病毒删除了,而且还昏倒在了丹尼的家里。趁着圣诞老人昏迷,丹尼和尼克驾驶着圣诞老人的电子雪橇代他去派送圣诞礼物。丹尼一片好心想要给人们惊喜,但尼克的目的却不那么单纯,他所想的是利用圣诞老人的圣诞球去富人家偷窃。 另一方面,圣诞老人渐渐苏醒过来,却发现自己已经被凯瑟琳和彼得姐弟二人绑了起来。精通数学计算的凯瑟琳本来不相信圣诞老人的存在,但奇迹就在眼前。听了圣诞老人的讲述以后,她渐渐明白了怎么回事,才像到一定是尼克伯父和丹尼开走了圣诞老人的雪橇车。于是,三人来到商店,凯瑟琳利用配置最高的电脑侵入电子雪橇的程序,希望借此让雪橇自己回来。但丹尼也有自己的妙计,最终凯瑟琳的想法以失败告终,尼克仍然背着丹尼大肆偷窃昂贵物品。 但终于纸包不住火,丹尼发现了尼克伯父的真正目的,丹尼失望极了,开着破损的雪橇一个人回到了家中。但是,当追债者到来时,尼克主动出现,利用圣诞老人的圣诞球吓走债主。尼克认识到了自己的错误,用他的笔记本电脑帮助圣诞老人修复雪橇。同时,他们也认识到了亲情的重要性。在这一夜,尼克伯父得到了他童年时最想得到的一样礼物--一把吉他。 精彩视点: 《圣诞童话》拍摄手法简明轻快,具有好莱坞电影特有的浪漫喜剧感。本片打破了传统的叙事结构,让整个故事充满惊喜,而导演细腻地处理人与人之间关系的转折,更使本片有别于一般的温情类型电影,而增添了许多张力。在该片中我们可以欣赏到布赖恩o克莱斯顿细腻、温柔,而又不失男子气概的迷人风采和精湛的演技。
After a short split prologue showing riches as the root of evil in ancient and modern times, the film settles into 1914 France, where the Orient Express is about to be wrecked when a bridge washes out. Among those on board are Al and Travis, Americans who are traveling Europe spending Travis' money, and Marie, a German girl. The boys save Marie after the wreck and Travis falls in love with her. When World War I breaks out Al wants to enlist, but Travis can't, feeling loyal to Marie, a German. By 1917 Al has enlisted, and Travis follows him shortly after marrying Marie. Accused of being a German spy by a Russian agent, she is sentenced to die but is recognized by Travis, who is part of the firing squad. The town they are in is shelled and they are all trapped underground, during which a minister makes a lengthy parallel to ancient times when the King of Akkad persecuted his subjects and defied Jehovah, who finally sends a flood to wipe out mankind, except for Noah and his family, whom he has instructed to build an ark and fill it with two of every creature on earth.
Ema is the successful TV anchor of a national TV broadcaster, the star of a tabloid show. A perfectionist, she has no hesitation in putting at steak her health or money for higher ratings. One of her cases brings her in a middle of a huge scandal which will dramatically change her life. Ema will discover that behind all things happening to her are unexpected characters...
Jared Cohn
A couple hires a live-in nanny to watch the offspring while they work. At first, everything goes perfectly, but when an unsafe incident means the parents no longer want the nanny around, they find out this nanny is savvy at not being evicted from her live-in situation. So savvy, in fact, that she can make these parents' lives a true nightmare.
Ric Forster
Set in Melbourne, Australia during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, Kristal (Kate Mayhew) is enjoying the last few days of her trip to Australia when she meets Lisette (Stevie McKeon) on a night out in the city. The pair are saying farewell after a one-night stand, when news of Melbourne's border closure reaches them - unable to return to Canada Kristal accepts Lisette's invitation to stay with her during the citywide lock-down. Can these two perfect strangest survive a month together or will their differences drive them apart?
Scooter McCray
It’s been 21 years since Scooter McCrae (SHATTER DEAD) released a new feature film, and he’s lost none of his transgressive bite. Diving straight into a brutal, strange, and upsetting scene between a man and a woman, BLACK EYED SUSAN challenges the audience within the first few moments. It’s not long, though, that the curtain is pulled back like some twisted Wizard of the Oz story, and we find out things aren’t quite as they seem. First, Susan (Yvonne Emilie Thälker) isn’t a person but rather a BDSM sex doll programmed to receive and “enjoy” the punishment of her sadistic partners. She’s the hardware of a cutting-edge tech startup aiming to push her artificial intelligence to new heights. The company that manufactures her hires the desperate Derek (Damian Maffei) to test the limits of her technology and his desires in a low-fi sci-fi horror that delves into the dark pool of love and perversion in our new tech age. - Fantasia, Justine Smith
索菲亚·布拉特沃,Björn Engström,Lottie Johansson
In a post-apocalyptic adventure in the Swedish archipelago, a science team struggles to find a way to protect the few surviving humans from a lethal mushroom organism. Forced on a journey through the wilderness to find a new bunker in which to continue their research, they come into conflict with an armed gang that uses a drug to delay the effects of the organism. The scientists want to find a more permanent solution, and have to fight for the very survival of humanity.