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Go Gorilla Go is probably most notable for its strange title, and this carries over into the film; as while it takes obvious inspiration from some big genre classics; the film features some strange plotting and a storyline that is a bit unusual on genre terms. Director Tonino Valerii previously directed the excellent but complicated Giallo My Dear Killer and clearly has a talent for delivering convoluted story lines as Go Gorilla Go features one too! The film focuses on Marco; an undercover police officer who is also working as a body guard for a shady underworld figure. He's also got a brother who is not exactly squeaky clean and has contacts with a few other 'Gorillas' who are in the same line as he is. It's not long before our hero gets involved in a kidnap plot along with his brother and his underworld boss and this plot is ran parallel with a load of others and the whole thing gets rather complicated. Luckily, however, it's all spun together with a whole load of action scenes; many of which are really well done. We've got the usual compliment of car chases and fist fights, but the main standout is a sequence that sees the lead character trapped in an elevator with the bottom taken out. The final car chase, which involves a train a la The French Connection, is also very well executed. The lead role is taken by Fabio Testi and the actor looks the part and plays it well. The rest of the cast is filled out mostly by lesser known Italian actors, but they get on well as an ensemble and bad dubbing aside, the film is above average in the acting department. The way that the story flows does get a bit too confusing at times as we constantly switch from one thing to another, but at least the proceedings are kept entertaining for most of the duration, before exploding in the final third. This film is not very well known and as such has become rather hard to come by. In the grand spectrum of Italian police films; this one is not one of the more important ones or one of the best, but for anyone that considers themselves a fan of this genre; Go Gorilla Go is certainly worth a look and comes recommended.
15岁的意大利少女梅丽莎(María Valverde 饰)与母亲和祖母的住在一起,她的生活平淡甚至有些枯燥,每天这个天真纯洁的女孩都在渴望一段浪漫的爱情。某天,梅丽莎和好友参加同学所组织的派对,她邂逅了英俊帅气的男孩丹尼尔(Primo Reggiani 饰)。只是爱情之花并未如期盛开,梅丽莎遭遇了一次带有羞辱性质僵 粤语的性经历,她却从此迷上了这个玩世不恭的男孩。在接下来的日子里,梅丽莎可以引起丹尼尔的注意,而丹尼尔则对她进行各种各样的羞辱。在明白丹尼尔的心意之后,梅丽莎通过放纵来进行报复,她甚至将每段性经历都写入日记…… 本片根据曾轰动欧洲的真实的少女日记——《床前100次梳理乱发》改编。
Pep Anton Gómez,乔迪·桑切斯
小恶魔"彼特·丁拉基将出演一部动作惊悚片《The Thicket》,并在其中饰演一位身手不凡同时狡猾无比的赏金猎人。《七宗罪》和《斯巴达三百勇士》的制片吉安尼·努纳利将负含羞草验研究所免费网站直接进入责此片制片工作。影片改编自乔·兰斯代尔的小说,故事背景设置在20世纪初,一位年轻的小伙子为了解救被暴力杀人狂所绑架的妹妹而四处奔走,最后找到一位名叫“Shorty”的狡猾赏金猎人,一名盗墓为生的酒鬼和一个深谙处世之道的妓女来帮助他寻找妹妹。彼特·丁拉基将饰演那位赏金猎人,对此吉安尼·努纳利表示:“丁拉基天才般的演技能把乔原著中的阴暗视角还原得非常生动,他来饰演Shorty这一角色,是圆了我的梦!”
A government scheme sees newly widowed Santosh inherit her husband’s job as a police constable in the rural badlands of Northern India. When a low-caste girl is found raped and murdered, she is pulled into the investigation under the wing of charismatic feminist inspector Sharma.
Kristin is the daughter of a prominent landowner in medieval Norway. She grows up in total harmony with the ideals of the time: strong family ties, social pride and devout Christianity. She accepts the fact that her father has arranged for her to marry the son of another landowner. Kristin's beauty and purity create violent emotions around her. There are envy and attempted rape, murder and revenge. She seeks refuge from the world in a convent, awaiting the time for her marriage. Here the passion of her life strikes, the knight Erlend Nikulaussonn. He, an accomplished seducer, also falls hopelessly in love. They have to cross not only convent walls to meet, but social boundaries as well. Their love cannot be kept secret, and suddenly the innocent Kristin is the centre of a scandal. Her fiance withdraws from their engagement, her father rages, and Erlend's former mistress tries to poison her. The affair grows into a political issue, and finally some of the country's most dignified leaders persuade Lavrans to give in. The lovers win each other, but it is in front of a charred altar in a burnt down church, and their happiness has a double edge. Written by The Norwegian Film Institute
Rodrigo Triana
¿How far does a soccer fan go for his beloved national team? Mariano Cárdenas (Adrian Uribe), a married man and a civil servant, shows us that crossing the line when supporting the national team is a must. Mexico and the USA are in the final qualifying match for the 2018 World Cup. Mariano is committed to giving everything he has, including his time and relationship with his wife, to be present in the game because he is convinced that his presence in the stadium is the only thing factor that will guarantee the victory. Everything is ready and organized for the big day. Unfortunately, plans change when Mariano learns of the death of his uncle, with whom he lived and with whom he wagered a large bet on the team. Mariano is torn between being at the funeral or escaping to accompany the team. Thanks to the decision he makes, he loses his job, his wife, his home but his heart is full as Mexico qualifies for the World Cup.
Carsten Unger
塞缪尔(汉斯·齐施勒 Hanns Zischler 饰)和科拉(西比勒·卡诺尼卡 Sibylle Canonica 饰)结婚多年,两人共同抚养着九岁的儿子尼古拉斯(Finn Kirschner 饰),日子在日复一日的平静之中缓慢的流逝着。然而一场噩梦突然降临到了这个家庭的头上,一天,尼古拉斯失踪了。 负责此案的犯罪心理学家梅尔内特(马蒂娜·戈黛特 Martina Gedeck 饰)介入到了这个家庭之中,在和科拉的相处过程中,梅尔内特逐渐察觉出了一丝诡异的气氛。一段令人震惊的录像带在校园之中传播开来,被囚禁的尼古拉斯正是录像带中的主角。录像带的出现让整个事件开始动摇和发酵,梅尔内特坚信,在这个看似美满的家庭之中,隐藏着不可告人的秘密。
Ilan Duran Cohen
法国有个疯狂喜剧的传统,这一部简直得心应手。单是情节已经够颠,雌雄密探去学歌剧,想刺探寡妇学生可能拥有的绝密情报,却发现歌剧班像间谍集中营,人人来者不善,觊觎寡妇团团转。大颠大肺密集笑弹背后,其实讲音乐,讲现代情欲,也讲纯真不再。所有角色在跟时间赛跑,寡妇的歌星梦来得太迟,女间谍恨抱仔时候已过,舞男追赶他青春的水尾,只有男间谍像早点沧桑。歌唱班像是身心大解放的场所,性爱刻画大胆对白睿智精警,剧情发展天马行空,自创一格。 燕迹秦清添加。